Tax policy for goods imported by contractors for factory construction, equipment installation for export processing enterprises.

Export processing enterprise means an enterprise located in an export processing zone, specializing in the production of consumer goods used for export to foreign markets. 100% of goods produced by export-processing enterprises must be exported to foreign countries and declared to the customs offices. In order to maximize the effectiveness of transactions with export processing enterprises or export processing zones, enterprises need to understand in detail the tariff policies related to this area.

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Dong Du International Consulting Group HCMC, Vietnam, Southeast Asia Business Consulting Network, we specialize in accounting services, corporate tax advice, legal advice, business training, human resource consulting, product & market surveys…over 15 years up to now in the Vietnam market. Currently, we have also built a team of foreign experts from Japan, Taiwan, Europe, Singapore, Thailand … to help customers inside and outside Vietnam to expand appropriate business opportunities as well as possible.

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